Development Master Plan

Development Master Plan – Rwanda

Key Service: Planning and Development
Location: Rwanda
Product: Master Plan
Office: Horwath HTL Rwanda / Tzamir Architects & Planners LTD

Revision of the National Land Use and Development Master Plan and Update of the National Basemap

Client: Rwanda Land Management and Use Authority (RLMUA)

Year: November 2019-March 2020

Project Overview:

  • To provide the client with the consultant services for the review of the National Land Use and Development Master Plan and updating the National Basemaps as detailed in the terms of references.
  • NLUDMP current status, strengths and gaps document the background, status of basemaps/topographic maps in Rwanda, strenghts and gaps.
  • GIS databases containing existing and future land use situation
  • Interactive geodatabase of features
  • Guidelines and methodology for monitoring the implementation status of NLUDMP and other subsequent land use plans
  • NLUDMP GIS online platform for public access
  • Updated NLUDMP with its associated deliverables/annexes
  • Final geodatabase and topomap sheets in required standards and format
  • Accessible NLUDMP online and interactive GIS webmap
  • Capacity building report

Scope of Work:

  • Review the existing data and document and strategy for updating
  • Data collection and thematic studies on current use situation
  • Update the content of the basemap and production of topomap sheets at appropriate scales
  • Undertaking stakeholders an public consultations
  • Findings on Legal and policy Framework Assessment
  • Determining allocated lands for every land use category
  • Draft National Binding Directives o rational and sustainable land use
  • Guidelines for implementation and compliance strategy/procedures/measures with NLUDMP and enforcement strategy
  • Undertaking stakeholders and public consultations