Market and Feasibility Study for an Airport Hotel

Market and Feasibility Study for an Airport Hotel – Rwanda

Key Service: Planning and Development
Location: Rwanda
Product: Market Analysis & Financial Feasibility Study

Consultancy Services to develop Market and Feasibility Study for an Airport Hotel with a Rehabilitation Care Program and Training Center

Client: Private Investor
Year: May 2019-February 2020
Project Overview:
The main purpose of the market and financial feasibility study was to assess the market potential on the basis of market analysis and market outlook, to evaluate the financial feasibility of the project on the basis of investment estimation and expected financial performance of the project and to guide the design of the both the Hotel & Rehabilitation project given the vision and main objectives of the project

Scope of Work:

  • Evaluation of the location of the property;
  • Assessed market potential of the proposed hospitality component of the project, on basis of a local hotel market supply and demand analysis, as well as on the basis of local competitive set analysis;
  • Prepared a concept for embedding the hospitality component into the overall development aiming to generate mutual benefit. The hospitality component offering facilities and services for the office and retail area but also the hotel guests enjoying a unique and unrivaled service level by using the other services of the complex.
  • Estimated investment volume of the hotel project and to draft expected financing model of the hotel project;
  • Prepared market and financial projections of the hotel project for the first ten-years period of hotel operations;